Home School Credit

Awarding of Home School Credit

1). Students can earn credit by proving mastery through verifiable scores on nationally-normed tests, state standardized tests, or local assessments developed by the district. Testing is mandatory to receive credit. The tests can be taken previously in the prior setting. There also needs to be proof of the scope and sequence of curriculum and the standards addressed in courses.

2). Costs of taking standardized tests would be at the expense of the family.

3). Attendance records are not necessary in determining credit.

4). Grades for these courses will be indicated by a "P" on the transcript and will not be included in the Grade Point Average or class rank.

5). The current SHS policy requiring a minimum of 6 semesters to be completed at SHS to be Valedictorian and Salutatorian and to be in the class rankings will continue.

6). There will be a notation in the transcript that these grades were transferred in from a non-accredited setting and earned differently.

7). There will be no credit for Science lab courses without documentated lab experiences parallel to what the school offers.

8). Credits for classes not offered at the school will only be issued with administrative approval. The Principal determines whether or not credit is issued. Appeals of Principal's decision to the Superintendent of School -- then the School Board.

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